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How to get your salary paid into your Monzo account

Using Monzo as your main account means you can track your spending from payday to payday. And we’ll help you understand how much you need to set aside for bills, rent or mortgage payments, and how much you have left to spend everything else!

There are a few ways to add money to your Monzo account, but if you want to get your salary paid straight in, here’s how.

Update your account details with the people who pay you

To start getting your salary paid into Monzo, share your Monzo account number and sort code with the people who pay you.

You can find your account number and sort code when you open your Monzo app.

You can even share your account details by sending an email to your employer!

Switch to Monzo with the Current Account Switch Service

You can use the Current Account Switch Service to move all your payments over to Monzo automatically, including your salary.

It only takes a few minutes to start a switch, and it’ll happen in the background over the next seven working days.

Before you start:

  • Make sure you have the account number, sort code and bank card for the bank you want to switch away from

  • Check that your personal information (like your current address) is up to date at both banks


  1. Open your Monzo app and tap your photo

  2. Scroll down and tap to 'Switch to Monzo' and we’ll guide you through your switch!

If you're still not sure if you're ready to go #FullMonzo, find out why you should make Monzo your main bank account, straight from people who have!

New to Monzo? Find out more on the blog, and head to the Simple Questions Thread on the community forum to ask us anything you like!