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Introducing: Dear Monzo 📝

Money touches every part of our lives. It shapes what we do day-to-day, and defines some of the biggest decisions we ever make. It can make us happy, or be a huge source of stress. It can cause friction in friendships, relationships and at work. But it can also help us achieve our goals, fulfil our dreams, and do the things we want to do.

But making big decisions or dealing with day-to-day stresses about money can be difficult. There’s so much information out there that it can be hard to know where to start. And it doesn’t help that we’re so bad at talking to each other about money, or admitting what we don't understand.

To help guide you through, we’re excited to welcome journalist and author Laura Whateley as our resident agony aunt!

Meet our agony aunt 👋

Laura has spent more than 10 years reporting on money and consumer affairs. She recently distilled her knowledge in a book, Money: A User’s Guide, an essential handbook for anyone looking to learn the basics about money.

Photo of Laura Whateley

As she puts it, "We didn't learn about money at school, and so understandably lack confidence and knowledge at a time when – with reduced wages, insanely expensive housing, pitiful pensions and big student loans – we no longer can afford to.

"This is coupled with a reluctance to discuss our concerns for fear of judgment. But the only way we’ll really understand this stuff is to be a bit more open, to admit and share what worries us."

Send Laura your letters 💌

Email Laura at [email protected] with your letter. Whether you’re trying to save, split money with your housemate, tip-toe around how to afford an expensive hen do, sort out debts, or buy your first home – let us know what we can do to help.

She’ll choose one of your letters every month and we’ll publish it anonymously, along with her answer.