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Could rounding-up your spending help you afford your next holiday?

More than 380,000 people are using Monzo to round up their payments to the nearest pound and put the spare change in a Pot.

So we asked you how much you’ve saved using round-ups, and what you’re going to do with the money. And lots of you are planning to put it towards your next holiday!

I'm pretending it's not there. I'll use it for a trip somewhere fun.

— Jen Rankine 🍕 (@CensoredPixel)
May 17, 2019

Here’s where you’re going and how much you’ve saved so far! Perfect if you need some saving motivation or holiday inspiration.

Some of you are saving up for family holidays

So wholesome 🧡

A few of you are exploring Europe


While some of you are going further afield


Some of you are even going to Glasto

We're very jealous.

Try it out yourself!

Whenever you buy something that costs more than £1 with Monzo, you can choose to round up your purchases and put the spare change in a Pot.

To get started:

  1. Head to the Account tab in your app

  2. Create a Pot (or edit an existing one)

  3. Turn on the switch to ‘Round up transactions’

We’ll show you the spare change we added to your pot alongside the original transaction, so you can see what you bought as well as the amount we rounded up.

One round up pot at a time

If you want to start smaller, you can round up your purchases to the nearest 50p or 10p instead, through our integration with automation platform If This, Then That (IFTTT).

You’ll need to connect your Monzo account to IFTTT – just click the links above and follow the instructions to get started!

Download Monzo to round up your purchases and set the spare change aside!