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How much are you spending on going out?

A recent survey has found that British people spend £70.56 on a night out on average.

The study by night club and bar operator The Deltic Group surveyed 2,300 people and found that people are now spending almost a fifth more on going out than they were last year. The figure was much higher among 18 to 30-year-olds, and 73% said they were going out at least once a week.

Average spend on a night out

Why are people spending more on nights out?

According to the survey, people are spending more on pre-drinks and transport.

It says there's also been a shift in what people are doing for fun. Almost a quarter of people are still spending their money on pub trips. But compared to last year, this number has fallen and pub trips are less popular than before.

Entertainment budgets have also increased from 13% to 16%, as people spend more on trips to the cinema.

If you find budgeting on a night out hard, you're definitely not alone. In a BBC interview, Calum Wilson, a 27-year-old who works in an admin role for the University of Westminster, says that budgeting is dependent on his mood. He's saving to buy a house, but his savings also act as a "flexible travel fund."

How to budget on a night out

We asked you on twitter if you had any budgeting tips for going out and here was some of your best advice:

Read the full thread on twitter and share your tips 👇

If you're struggling to budget and spending more than you want to on going out, using an app like Monzo can make it easier to budget effectively!