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You might have had problems with Monzo yesterday. We've fixed the issue and everything should be back to normal.

On the 29th of July from about 13.10 onwards, you might have had some issues with Monzo. During this time, you might not have been able to:

  • Log into the app

  • Send and receive payments, or withdraw money from ATMs

  • See accurate balances and transactions in your app

  • Get in touch with us through the in-app chat or by phone

We're really sorry about this. We've fixed the majority of issues now, and we'll share a detailed review of what happened and what we're doing to make sure it doesn't happen again very soon.

If you're on Android, you might still have trouble logging into the app. But if you delete and reinstall the Monzo app, you should be able to log in again as usual.

The problems happened while we were making a routine upgrade to our platform – the systems that run in the background to make Monzo work. We introduced a change that meant we didn't properly process a small amount of our data for about two hours. This caused the issues with the Monzo app you might have had yesterday.

We rolled back the change yesterday afternoon to put things back to normal. And we’re continuing to work on a very small number of remaining issues from the incident. Most people aren't affected, but we'll be in touch with anyone who is.

Again, we're really sorry about this. Being trusted with your money is a big responsibility, and it's one we take very seriously.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us through the in-app chat or on the phone.