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Naji Esiri

How Money Works
Loans Help
29 June 2020

What to do if you miss a loan repayment

If you have a loan with Monzo, please reach out to us in the app. Here’s what we could do to help.

Managing Universal Credit payments
Financial Inclusion
6 May 2020

How to manage your Universal Credit payments

Once you get approved for Universal Credit, it’ll normally takes five weeks after the date you submitted your claim for you to get the first payment. Here's how you can manage your Universal Credit payments.

Financial Inclusion
4 May 2020

How to recognise financial abuse, and where to get support

Financial abuse is when someone else controls your access to money by coercing, exploiting or sabotaging you.

23 March 2021

Your questions about debt during coronavirus, answered by StepChange debt charity

Debt charity Stepchange explain how to manage your debts and live on less money than usual during coronavirus.

1 May 2020

How to get support if you’re a refugee or asylum seeker during coronavirus

The Scottish Refugee Council explain how lockdown might affect your asylum claim, how to protect yourself if you're living in asylum accommodation, and how you can access government updates in your language.

How We Protect You
9 April 2020

Can't afford your rent because of coronavirus? Experts explain what you can do

If you’re worried about paying rent or facing homelessness because of coronavirus, we asked homeless charity Centrepoint to explain what you can do.

How Money Works
9 April 2020

Your questions about Universal Credit and the government's coronavirus support, answered by experts

Lost your job or income because of coronavirus? We asked poverty charity Turn2Us to answer your questions about Universal Credit and how to get support if you're struggling with money.

Universal Credit guide
Financial Inclusion
30 March 2020

How to access Universal Credit

Universal Credit is a single monthly payment from the government. It's meant to cover your living costs and rent if you're out of work or on a low income.

Universal Credit guide
Banking 101
4 December 2019

Your guide to understanding Universal Credit

We've put together a guide on Universal Credit. It'll cover: How to apply for Universal Credit, managing your Universal Credit Payments and why your payments might have stopped.

Logo for the Future of Monzo event
14 November 2019

8 things we learnt at the #FutureOfMonzo event

The #FutureOfMonzo was our biggest community event ever! Check out some of the key takeaways.

17 February 2017

4 useful services your bank should not be charging you for

Click to read more

5 November 2018

How our community helps us build a better bank

By helping us understand real world problems, sharing frank feedback and holding us to account, our community helps us build a better bank.

25 May 2018

Monzo 2.0: Community Events Roundup from Liverpool and Cardiff

This week we went to Liverpool and Cardiff to talk about what matters to Monzo.

9 May 2018

Introducing Sneak Peeks

A new way to stay in the loop with what we’re working on, from within the Monzo app!

Monzo HQ
27 July 2017

Introducing Monzo Insider!

Digging for answers behind the scenes at Monzo HQ