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Great holidays, great spending memories

When you’ve watched your final holiday sunset, eaten your last bowl of tzatziki and taken the obligatory plane wing photo, you might start to feel the holiday blues sinking in. Post-trip finance admin can feel like the last thing you want to do, but Monzo makes it easy to get a clear view on your holiday spending, settle up with friends, and even start saving for your next adventure away.

Settle up in a few taps with Split the Bill

Picked up the tab for last night’s paella and dreading chasing everyone for their €5.44 share? Click on the transaction you want to split in your spending feed and choose ‘Add to Shared Tab’ or ‘Split this Bill’.

Split the bill lets you split one transaction with one or more people, and you can adjust how much each person’s share is – so no arguments over who didn’t order dessert or had an extra drink. Once you hit the ‘request money’ button your friend will receive a notification saying how much they owe, and can pay you back at the click of a button.

Friend not on Monzo? Referring someone to join Monzo is almost as easy as adding them to a Shared Tab 👀 But it’s no problem to split the bill with non-Monzo users. Hit the ‘add someone not on Monzo’ button when choosing how to split the bill and we’ll generate a link, which they can use to pay.

More than one bill to split? Try Shared Tabs

You and your friends can group multiple transactions together, say how much each person’s share of individual bills was, and work out who owes who what - no headache required.

Pals slow to pay up? There’s a button for that. Skip the awkward text and send a payment reminder through the app.

See how much you spent while away

It’s always easy to keep track of what you’ve spent in the Monzo app, but we make it even easier to keep an eye on your holiday spending. We’ll automatically let you know how much you spent in another country as soon as you get back. You can also categorise your holiday spending into the ‘holiday’ category, so you can see exactly how much you spent and where you spent it.

Love data? Have a look into the Trends tab of your app - this shows your spending and saving patterns. Upgrade to Monzo Premium for more spending insights and breakdowns, across your Monzo accounts and other bank accounts such as American Express or Barclays.

Start saving up for the next trip

The perfect time to start saving for your next trip is right after you come back from this one. Whether it’s backpacking on a budget or a beach in the balearics, starting early and saving a little at a time goes a long way?

Create a Pot to set aside money, and customise it with a name and photo specific to your trip. Already know how much you need to save? You can set a saving target and we’ll show you how you’re doing against your goal.

You can set up the Salary Sorter or a standing payment to pay into this Pot every month, add to it manually whenever you have spare change, or even set up roundups to go into this pot - every time you spend on your card, we’ll round up to the nearest pound and put it in the pot. Our Premium account even allows you to set up custom roundups of 2x, 5x or 10x the space change, so you can save faster!

Monzo Premium is £15 per month • 6 month minimum • Must be aged 18-69 • Ts&Cs apply