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Save £5 automatically, every time it rains

It’s sensible to save money for a rainy day. But saving isn’t always easy and can sometimes feel like a chore.

The good news is you can use your Monzo account to save money automatically, in lots of fun new ways. You can do things like round up your spending to the nearest pound and save the spare change, or take on the 1p Savings Challenge.

And given how bad the weather’s been, it’s a good time to try the Rainy Day Savings Challenge and save £5 automatically, every time it rains.

Saving little and often can be one of the most effective ways to save. And with challenges like these it can actually be fun too!

How to save £5 automatically, every time it rains

You can do this with your Monzo account thanks to our integration with an automation platform called If This, Then That (IFTTT). It lets you connect your Monzo account to other apps, and create rules (or “Applets”) that move money around your account.

Whenever it rains in a certain place, you can set it up to move £5 (or whatever amount you want) into a Pot in your Monzo account. Pots are places in your Monzo account where you can set money aside, away from your main balance.

To start saving money automatically whenever it rains:

  1. Download the IFTTT app, sign up and connect IFTTT with your Monzo account

  2. Search for the Applet to save for a holiday whenever it rains 

  3. Tap ‘Connect’

  4. Pick the location, how much you want to save, and the Pot you want to put it in

  5. Tap save! 

Every time it rains in the place you’ve chosen, IFTTT will move the money from your account into the Pot.

It’ll move money every single time it rains (not just once a day). So if you’re saving in Scotland you’re bound to boost your savings quickly!

And remember – you’ll need to have enough money in your Monzo account for this to work.

If you don’t have Monzo yet, download it today – it takes less than 10 minutes to sign up!

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