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Banking And Regulation

Banking and Regulation
12 January 2022

We're extending our Open Banking gambling block

Following a pilot with Truelayer last year, we're extending our Open Banking gambling block to all UK firms.

Banking and Regulation
21 March 2022

Our Tax Strategy

The tax we pay helps to fund the public services that we all rely on. As a responsible business, we’re committed to doing the right thing for society, and that approach is reflected in our tax strategy.

Banking and Regulation
31 March 2021

The APPG for Gambling Harms joins our call to make sure everyone can access a gambling block!

The GRHAPPG - a cross party coalition of MPs dedicated to securing gambling reform - has joined our call to make sure that everyone in the UK can access gambling blocks.

Banking and Regulation
18 February 2021

We’re running a pilot with TrueLayer to create an open banking powered gambling block

We've teamed up with TrueLayer to offer the same protections for customers using new payment methods to gamble.

Banking and Regulation
16 February 2021

Sign the open letter: Ask the government to make sure everyone can access a gambling block

Everyone should be able to access a gambling block – no matter who you bank with.

What is a P45 form 1?
Banking and Regulation
31 October 2019

We’ve added your statement of fees to your account 

Your statement of fees is a document we’ve introduced as part of new regulations in the UK.

Banking and Regulation
10 September 2019

Strong Customer Authentication: Using Chip and PIN more often when making contactless payments

New rules for all banks, including Monzo, mean you’ll need to use Chip and PIN more often when paying with your card.

Secure Customer authorisation - explained
Banking and Regulation
22 August 2019

Introducing Strong Customer Authentication: What you need to know

New rules for all banks, including Monzo, mean we’ll start increasing security around using your account and making payments. So the way you log into the Monzo app is changing, and we’ll ask you to regularly prove your identity by reauthenticating.

Banking and Regulation
20 March 2018

Terms and Conditions: Why the Small Print Matters to Monzo

Head of Legal and Compliance, Dean explains why we’ve made sure our terms and conditions are clear, concise, and easy to understand.

Banking and Regulation
16 February 2017

Budgeting, Money Management and Planning Ahead

We’re building a resource on budgeting to help customers improve their money management - and we want your advice

Banking and Regulation
7 September 2016

Our Approach to Overdrafts

Our Deputy CEO, Paul Rippon, discusses how we plan to roll out overdrafts...

Banking and Regulation
20 January 2016

How do bank payments actually work?

After last month’s post on card payments, we thought we’d follow-up with a post on...

Banking and Regulation
8 January 2016

How Does the Wholesale Foreign Exchange Market Work?

In December we gave an overview of how foreign card payments work, and how...

Banking and Regulation
15 December 2015

Why are foreign card payments such a mess?

Making card payments abroad has always been a painful experience. For me, the first...

Banking and Regulation
2 December 2015

3 Second Sandwich

Mondo recently rolled out our Alpha program to 500 lucky testers. If you weren’t...